Code of conduct

At Nature’s Way we are a community powered by kindness. Nature’s Way offers people an opportunity to share knowledge and learn from each other. It’s a safe space. We kindly ask people using the platform to follow our community guidelines and keep content relevant.

Community guidelines

Keep it kind – Be kind, be constructive, be supportive.

Keep it clean – Foul or degrading language of any kind will not be tolerated on our platform.

Keep it relevant – The Nature’s Way Community is intended to provide helpful content for our community. Content you submit should be relevant based on your own honest opinions and experience.

Pictures should be relevant to the Nature’s Way platform – no nudity, no pornographic images, no images violating another person’s privacy.

Respect Others

Don’t post content that is libellous, defamatory, harassing, threatening, or inflammatory. For example, don’t use obscenities or profanity and don’t express hatred or intolerance for people on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age, or disability, including by promoting organisations with such views.

Don’t post content that is obscene, pornographic or lewd or that contains nudity or sexually explicit images.

Don’t post content that invades others’ privacy. For example, don’t post other people’s phone numbers, email address, mailing address, or other personal information, and don’t post links to phishing or other malware sites.

Reporting abuse

Nature’s Way is all about sharing. We are here to give people a platform to exchange knowledge. Our community is a kind one, if you see something that goes against our community standards you can let us know by reporting it. We review anything that is reported and will remove content that goes against our standards.

If you are reporting messages, the reported messages may be used to help us improve our systems for reviewing other reported content that may go against our community standards. We don’t include any information about the person who filed the report when we contact the reported user. Please bear in mind that reporting something to Nature’s Way doesn’t guarantee that it will be removed.

Community Standards


We’re committed to protecting personal privacy and information. Privacy gives people the freedom to be themselves, choose how and when to share on Nature’s Way and to connect with others.


We believe that all people are equal in dignity and rights. We expect that people will respect the dignity of others and not bully, harass or degrade others.


We’re committed to making Nature’s Way a safe place. We remove content that could contribute to a risk of harm to the physical security of persons. Content that threatens people has the potential to intimidate, exclude or silence others and isn’t allowed on Nature’s Way will be removed and will lead to individuals being suspended or blocked from the site.


We want to make sure that the content people see on Nature’s Way is authentic. We believe that authenticity creates a better environment for sharing, and that’s why we don’t want people using Nature’s Way to share content which is not relevant to the platform and to not misrepresent who they are or what they’re doing.